These glasses are rubbish…and I love them!

As I was strolling down King Street in Newtown recently, my eyes were drawn to a shop window where brightly-coloured goop was swirling about. Intrigued I went closer for a proper gawk at the pretty looking mess.

Turns out, what I was seeing was even more awesome than I could have guessed! I was actually witnessing the birth of some extremely funky and ecochic glasses, crafted from post-consumer plastic ranging from milk bottle and plastic keg tops, to marine debris collected from Sydney’s Northern Beaches.

The company responsible for this beautiful innovation, Dresden, are also gearing up to add donations of plastic bags, take away food containers and old pieces of LEGO into the mix!

According to their website: “…we can brew up frames on the spot. Stop in on any given day, and you could pick up a one-off pair made from milk bottle lids, plastic ocean waste, or even plastic keys from a discarded keyboard. We’ll give anything a try.”

As someone who wears prescription glasses and sunglasses I’m pretty excited to have literally stumbled across these guys 🙂 You can even mix and match your frame and arm colours! I’ll let you know if I do end up purchasing a pair for myself.

In the meantime, if you’re in the area and want to donate some of your old bits of plastic, you can find directions here.

4 thoughts on “These glasses are rubbish…and I love them!

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